BBM Official Base BBM.v. PS.

BBM Official Base BBM.v. PS.
Fitur :
-Hide Sponsor
-On/off Full Display Picture
-On/off Block Read Status
-On/off Hide Notiffication Inbox
-On/off Big Drawer
-On/off Big DP on Profil
-On/off Hide Show FAB
-On/off Maintap Bottom
-Boom PING/Autotext
-Lock Mode
-Moved to SD Card
Tampilan Official Play Store
Thanks to:
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
All Admin BBFAI
All Mastah BBFAI atas Guide dan Bimbingannya
All Member BBFAI
dan semua orang yg ada disekitar saya yg gak
bisa saya sebutkan satu persatu
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Nih buat yg minim ram bisa makai ini.Biar bisa tetep smooth.fitur hampir sama dg yg diatas

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